Write for Us Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to TechAchieverss.com! We welcome submissions from tech enthusiasts, professionals, and learners who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and insights with our community. Before submitting your content, please review the following guidelines:

Content Guidelines:

  1. Relevance: Submissions should be relevant to the tech industry and aligned with the themes and topics covered on TechAchieverss.com. We accept articles, tutorials, case studies, and opinion pieces related to software development, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, data science, and other tech-related subjects.
  2. Originality: We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism or the use of content without proper attribution will result in immediate rejection.
  3. Quality: We maintain high editorial standards and expect submissions to be well-written, informative, and engaging. Ensure that your content is free from grammatical errors and typos.
  4. Depth and Insight: We encourage in-depth exploration of topics and insights that provide value to our audience. Back up your claims with evidence and examples where appropriate.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Word Count: Articles should typically be between 800 to 2000 words in length. However, we prioritize quality over word count, so feel free to exceed this range if necessary.
  2. Formatting: Please format your submissions in plain text or use basic HTML formatting. Include headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability.
  3. Images and Multimedia: If your submission includes images, graphs, or multimedia elements, ensure that you have the rights to use them and provide proper attribution where necessary.
  4. Links: Only 2 dofollow backlink are allowed in a single post.
  5. Turn Around Time: we will live your article within 24 hours
  6. Sponsored Tag: We will not marked your post as sponsored (Until otherwise special requirement)

Editorial Process:

  1. Review Process: All submissions will undergo a review process by our editorial team. We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, coherence, and adherence to our guidelines.
  2. Approval: If your submission meets our editorial standards and aligns with our content strategy, it will be approved for publication on TechAchieverss.com.
  3. Feedback: If your submission requires revisions or does not meet our guidelines, we will provide constructive feedback to help you improve your content.


  1. Ownership: By submitting your content to TechAchieverss.com, you grant us a non-exclusive license to publish, distribute, and promote your work on our platform. However, you retain ownership of your content.
  2. Attribution: We will provide proper attribution to you as the author of the content and include any relevant bio or author information you provide.

How to Submit:

To submit your content for consideration, please send it to goalachievers400@gmail.com. our editorial team will review your submission.

Pricing: Please note that sponsored guest posts and banner ads on Techachieverss.com are only paid submission. We do not offer free guest post. We only accept payment through payoneer, and order through Upwork and Fiverr. For pricing information and customized advertising packages, please contact us directly.

We look forward to receiving your contributions and sharing your insights with our community!

Feel free to customize these guidelines to fit the specific requirements and focus of TechAchieverss.com.

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